Low Voltage Electrical Contractor Serving the Minneapolis area.

>Phone (612) 630-8100


Minneapolis Cabling Services

Audio and Security Engineers provides a wide range of low voltage electrical services including CCTV Surveilance Services, Hirsch Services, Security Services for commercial and residential properties in the Minneapolis, St. Paul, St. Cloud area.

If you don't see what you are looking for here, contact us. We will be happy to answer any of your service questions.


Minneapolis Phone Systems

Phones are indispensable in the information and communication age. Even in this era of computer based communication systems, everyone uses a phone, most of us on a daily basis. We can't even go to the store or out of the office without cellphones anymore. Whether in the office, at home or while out on errands, everyone needs to use a phone at some point. Audio and Security Engineers has been installing low voltage phone systems for years throughout the Minneapolis, St. Paul, St. Cloud area, and we are experts at troubleshooting and upgrading them as well. Our skilled technicians have the knowledge and experience needed to install even the most complex network of phone systems.

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Minneapolis Alarm Systems

What better way to protect your home or office than to install a low voltage alarm system? Video surveillance systems are not only a great way to know what goes on in your house or office building when you are not around, but also a great way to ensure the protection of your family, employees and valuables. Nothing works as well as a properly installed, monitored and maintained alarm system. Even better is a low voltage, energy efficient alarm system connected to an alarm central, alerting the police or fire station in case of an emergency.

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Minneapolis Data Wiring/Network Cabling

Most people think that data wiring and network cabling only applies to large corporations or businesses that need to allow for information and networks to be shared between a large number of people. While it is true that most of today's businesses need data wiring and network cabling for their enterprise to function and be effective, these techniques are becoming more and more popular amongst individuals and family units that wish to connect their home systems for better communication and sharing of data between individuals and/or hardware.

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About Us

At Audio and Security Engineers, we believe in customer service, safety, and fair prices. We are the Minneapolis, St. Paul, St. Cloud and surrounding area's number 1 choice low voltage electrical experts who go the extra mile to make certain that our electricians are experienced, well trained and skilled. Our electricians know exactly what they are doing, therefore they don't need to waste time fumbling around or figuring things out, so that keeps our labor costs down. We pass that savings on to our customers and have been for many years.


Contact Us

Audio and Security Engineers is the leading low voltage electrical contract you will find in Minneapolis, St. Paul, St. Cloud, specializing in CCTV Surveilance Services, Hirsch Services, Security Services. Contact us, and you're low voltage needs will be taken care of promptly, safely, and cost effectively. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and constantly update and train our electricians on all the new trends in the ever changing world of technology and communications.